TexAS400 Tutorial

Use selection 25 in PDM to search through source code.

There are a couple of ways to search through source code for information you are looking for (ie. program names, files, attributes, etc.). The 1st way is to do a search on a single or multi-program file level through the work with members option, in which you search only specific program(s) for your information. The other way is to do a search through an entire object such as QRPGLESRC or QDDSSRC.

In using the 1st method, start the Program Development Manager (STRPDM), and use option 3 to 'Work with members'.

You will see this screen pop up.

                       AS/400 Programming Development Manager (PDM)                 

  Select one of the following:                                                  
      1. Work with libraries                                                   
      2. Work with objects                                                     
      3. Work with members                                                     
      4. Work with projects                                                    
      5. Work with groups                                                      
      6. Work with parts                                                       
      9. Work with user-defined options                                        

  Selection or command                                                          
 F3=Exit       F4=Prompt       F9=Retrieve        F10=Command entry            
 F12=Cancel    F18=Change defaults                                             

Now type in the needed information for the file and library to which you want to
conduct the search.

                       Specify Members to Work With                         

  Type choices, press Enter.                                                 
    File  . . . . . . . . . .   QRPGLESRC    Name, F4 for list               
     Library . . . . . . . .     USER999        *LIBL, *CURLIB, name            
     Name  . . . . . . . . .   *ALL         *ALL, name, *generic*           
     Type  . . . . . . . . .   *ALL         *ALL, type, *generic*, *BLANK   

From here, type in 25 in the Opt space of the Member you would like to do the search on.
If you would like to check all the programs listed on this members screen, simple hit 
F13 (Shift F1) and you will see that 25 is filled in on all the options.

                           Work with Members Using PDM                 S103C160
 File  . . . . . .   QRPGLESRC                                                 
   Library . . . .     USER999                  Position to  . . . . .             
 Type options, press Enter.                                                    
  2=Edit         3=Copy  4=Delete 5=Display       6=Print     7=Rename         
  8=Display description  9=Save  13=Change text  14=Compile  15=Create module..

 Opt  Member      Type        Text                                             
 25   ABC101      RPGLE       Add all ABC customers                       
 25   ABC102      RPGLE       Add CSBTN to customer file                      
 25   ABC400      RPGLE       SUBFILE for ABC pgm                                                                                            
 25   SAM001      RPGLE       Parse leads for Sample pgm                         
 25   SAM002      RPGLE       1 time program to populate ADDR field          
 25   SAM003      RPGLE       Subfile maintenance for Sample pgm Leads           
 25   SAM004      RPGLE       Dup check leads Sample pgm                                
 Parameters or command                                                         
 F3=Exit          F4=Prompt             F5=Refresh            F6=Create        
 F9=Retrieve      F10=Command entry     F23=More options      F24=More keys    

Now hit Enter, and you will see the Find String screen.  In the blank to the right of "Find",
type in the information you are seeking and press enter.  In this example we are looking for
all the programs that use the Physical File ABP001.

                                  Find String                                  
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                    
     Find . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   ABP001___________________                                       
     From column number . . . . . .   1         1 - *RCDLEN                    
     To column number . . . . . . .   *RCDLEN   1 - *RCDLEN                    
     Kind of match  . . . . . . . .   2         1=Same case, 2=Ignore case     
   Option . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2         *NONE, Valid option            
     Prompt . . . . . . . . . . . .   N         Y=Yes, N=No                    
   Print list . . . . . . . . . . .   N         Y=Yes, N=No                    
   Print records  . . . . . . . . .   N         Y=Yes, N=No                    
     Number to find . . . . . . . .   *ALL      *ALL, number                   
     Print format . . . . . . . . .   *CHAR     *CHAR, *HEX, *ALTHEX           
     Mark record  . . . . . . . . .   Y         Y=Yes, N=No                    
     Record overflow  . . . . . . .   1         1=Fold, 2=Truncate             
   Find string in batch . . . . . .   N         Y=Yes, N=No                    
   Parameters . . . . . . . . . . .                                            

 F3=Exit                 F5=Refresh        F12=Cancel       F16=User options   
 F18=Change defaults                                                           

You can see now that the search found the PF in program ABC102.  Hit Enter to continue the 
search, and it will look through all the files you have chosen and will pop up the screen 
when it finds the PF once again. 

 Columns . . . :    6  76            Edit                     USER999/QRPGLESRC
 SEU==>                                                                  ABC102
 FMT FX FFilename++IPEASF.....L.....A.Device+.Keywords+++++++++++++++++++++++++
        *************** Beginning of data *************************************
0001.00 FABP001    IF   E             DISK                                     
0002.00 FBT        O    E             DISK                                     
0003.00  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
0004.00 C                   DoW       *In90 = *Off                             
0005.00 C                   Read      ABD001                                90
0006.00 C                   If        *In90 = *Off  and                        
0007.00 C                             ABCRNTO = *Zero and                      
0008.00 C                             ABBTN   > 2000000000                     
0009.00 C                   Eval      BTBTN = CSBTN                            
0010.00 C                   Write     ABDREC                                    
0011.00 C                   EndIf                                              
0012.00 C                   EndDo                                              
0013.00 C                   Eval      *Inlr = *On                              
0014.00 C                   Return                                             
0015.00  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
0016.00  *---------------------------------------------------------------------
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F9=Retrieve   F10=Cursor   F11=Toggle      
 F16=Repeat find       F17=Repeat change          F24=More keys                

Another method to conduct the search is through Option 2 of the PDM.  Here is where 
you work with objects.  Once again, type in your Library name, and for Object name, type in Q*.
This will list all of the Q objects, such as QDDSSRC, QRPGSRC, etc...  

                      Specify Objects to Work With                         

Type choices, press Enter.                                                 
  Library  . . . . . . . . . .   USER999      *CURLIB, name                
    Name . . . . . . . . . . .   Q*           *ALL, name, *generic*        
    Type . . . . . . . . . . .   *ALL         *ALL, *type                  
    Attribute  . . . . . . . .   *ALL         *ALL, attribute, *generic*,  
The next screen you see will contain the specified objects.  Now all you need to do is type 
in 25 in the object you want to do the search in, and it will search through all files/programs
associated with that object.

                          Work with Objects Using PDM                  S103C160 

 Library . . . . .   USER999          Position to . . . . . . . .               
                                      Position to type  . . . . .               
 Type options, press Enter.                                                     
   2=Change       3=Copy        4=Delete      5=Display       7=Rename          
   8=Display description        9=Save       10=Restore      11=Move ...        
 Opt  Object      Type        Attribute   Text                                  
 __   QCLSRC      *FILE       PF-SRC                                            
 __   QCMDSRC     *FILE       PF-SRC                                            
 __   QDDSSRC     *FILE       PF-SRC                                            
 25   QRPGLESRC   *FILE       PF-SRC                                            
 __   QRPGSRC     *FILE       PF-SRC                                           
 Parameters or command                                                          
 F3=Exit          F4=Prompt            F5=Refresh           F6=Create           
 F9=Retrieve      F10=Command entry    F23=More options     F24=More keys       

Now hit Enter, and the search will begin through all the members associated with the object you 
have chosen to search.  You will notice the same result as above was located in the search.

So there you have it, 2 different ways of conducting a search for information using Option 25 in 



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